ERBIL, Kurdistan Region, November 12, 2020
With regards to the fiscal deficit bridge law, which was passed on Thursday in Iraq’s Council of Representatives with a majority vote without considering the principles of partnership and consensus, and without heeding the Kurdistan Region representatives’ concerns, observations and suggestions; we, first, would like to congratulate all Kurdistani blocs in the Federal Council of Representatives and the honorable representatives of the Kurdistan Region for their unity and keenness to protect the rights and the lawful entitlements of the people of Kurdistan.
The Kurdistan Region Presidency views this issue with concern and utmost importance, and will exert all efforts to safeguard the rights and lawful entitlements of the people of Kurdistan. For this purpose and to unify the position of Kurdistan Region’s relevant parties on this issue, a meeting of the Kurdistan Region’s three Presidencies, Kurdistan Region’s Representatives in the Federal Government, Council of Representatives and relevant parties will take place.
Kurdistan Region Presidency
With regards to the fiscal deficit bridge law, which was passed on Thursday in Iraq’s Council of Representatives with a majority vote without considering the principles of partnership and consensus, and without heeding the Kurdistan Region representatives’ concerns, observations and suggestions; we, first, would like to congratulate all Kurdistani blocs in the Federal Council of Representatives and the honorable representatives of the Kurdistan Region for their unity and keenness to protect the rights and the lawful entitlements of the people of Kurdistan.
The Kurdistan Region Presidency views this issue with concern and utmost importance, and will exert all efforts to safeguard the rights and lawful entitlements of the people of Kurdistan. For this purpose and to unify the position of Kurdistan Region’s relevant parties on this issue, a meeting of the Kurdistan Region’s three Presidencies, Kurdistan Region’s Representatives in the Federal Government, Council of Representatives and relevant parties will take place.
Kurdistan Region Presidency