Erbil, Kurdistan Region, November 14, 2022
President Nechirvan Barzani participated today in Erbil in the launch of the Kurdistan Institute for Innovation (KII), which was attended by Mr. Masrour Barzani, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region and a number of local and foreign officials and dignitaries.
The President delivered the following speech at the launching ceremony:
Welcome everyone.
First of all, Mr. Prime Minister congratulated the anniversary of the founding of Sulaymaniyah city. Since I am fifty percent from Sulaymaniyah, I thank him and congratulate the people of Sulaymaniyah and the whole of Kurdistan. I wish them success. Of course, the existing problems will be resolved through dialogue and understanding. We must make this our culture in this country and continue to do so. Good luck.
Also, I stand with Mr. Prime Minister regarding the drone and missile attacks this morning on the city of Koya and the bordering areas. The Kurdistan Region wants to reiterate that it seeks to be a factor of stability in the region and aspires to have good relations with all its neighbors. And in that context, it seeks to have good relations also with Iran.
We have done what we could so far and we will continue to do so in this regard. The Kurdistan Region should not become a threat to the neighboring countries. However, let me say that we see no justification for these missiles and drone attacks on Kurdistan, which must be stopped.
We call on Baghdad not to be silent and to put an end to these violations of Iraqi sovereignty
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am very pleased to participate in the launch of the Kurdistan Innovation Institute, which is an important and necessary institution for the Kurdistan Region.
The joint cooperation and support of the government, private sector and universities in such an institution is necessary and important for the success of the institution's mission to highlight innovation and creativity. Kurdistan youth in particular and anyone with new and innovative ideas in any field, can now turn to this institution and rely on its support.
I am sure that there are many young people in Kurdistan in all fields who have new and serious ideas, dreams and passion for creativity and innovation. If there are opportunities and support, Kurdistan's youth can innovate in many fields of science, technology, medicine and other fields.
Many of us may have heard, seen, or read in the media that a young person, a student, a professional, someone here and there, has an idea or an invention and worked on it through their own efforts and expenses. But their efforts seldom reached a final stage, because unfortunately they didn't have sufficient support; and because there were no doors to knock on to receive support and prove their talents.
The absence of such an institution may have disheartened many young and innovative people in this country. They may have worked so hard in many different areas but failed to achieve any positive results and in the end they might have given up. Unfortunately, this is a sad fact!
But now young people and people with innovative ideas can see the establishment of the Kurdistan Innovation Institute as good news that they can turn to in the future. They can come and prove their talents, their ideas and innovations through this institution; find financial support for their ideas and innovations; and from just an idea, turn it into action and develop it; make it a product and a source of income and job opportunities for themselves and others.
The presence of Prime Minister Masrour Barzani in the chairmanship of the board of directors of this institution, the presence of prominent names in the private sector such as KAR Group, Qaywan Group, Kurdistan universities and academic centers alongside this institution and its management, make it possible for anyone with ideas and talents in any field to prove, develop and invest without hesitation, with confidence and certainty.
I know how seriously Mr. Prime Minister has talked about this idea and worked seriously on it, and this has been one of the dreams he has always talked about with me and many others. Before this ceremony, he repeatedly emphasized to me that the ceremony is very important to him and I should participate in it. I am very pleased that this opportunity has come today and it is really a very important ceremony. I congratulate Mr. Prime Minister and the board which manage this institution. I wish them success.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Kurdistan's youth and innovators are as good as their peers in other countries. They have great abilities, talents, will and dreams. I am sure that if there is the necessary support and assistance available, if there is follow-up, encouragement and appreciation for their ideas and innovations, young people can prove themselves like their peers in other countries.
They can leave their mark, create and discover in many areas. Therefore, it is the duty of the government and the relevant parties to provide all support and assistance to the owners of ideas and the innovators.
I hope that the establishment of the Kurdistan Innovation Institute will be the first step in a continuous process of support and cooperation, opening up more and wider opportunities for talents in any field. It will lead to scientific discovery in the name of youth. Kurdistan's inventors should be registered at home and abroad.
This institution should be an incentive for Kurdistan's youth to work harder, do research, follow up and think. Take this opportunity to present creative ideas, maps and plans, hold on to them and don't give up; to make it a reality and a pride for yourselves, your families and your country.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
While globalization and rapid technological advances have widened the range of opportunities, the existence of such an institution in Kurdistan will bring the opportunities for the country's innovators much closer, making their dreams come true.
Today's world is such that for example, if someone has an idea or an invention anywhere in Kurdistan, he or she can put a map of their invention and draw the parts on their computer at home, send it to places like China to make the pieces and have the manufactured products sent back to him.
So if there is a special institution in this field, how much better, more orderly and safer will the work be? Such an institution can facilitate and support the process to reach a final, smooth and successful completion at all stages, with legal and scientific registration, licensing, (protected rights) and (legal rights).
Therefore, I would like to reiterate that the idea of establishing the Kurdistan Innovation Institute and the purpose behind the establishment is commendable and respectful. I would like to warmly congratulate all those who have worked to make this institution a reality. I hope it will become a center of talent in a peaceful and stable future for the talents of Kurdistan at home and abroad.
I congratulate the youth and innovators of Kurdistan that now there is a center based on the support and cooperation of the government - private sector - university, which will be their laboratory to go to with their ideas and innovations.
I wish the Kurdistan Innovation Institute and its managers success. I congratulate them.
Thank you all; I wish you a good day.
President Nechirvan Barzani participated today in Erbil in the launch of the Kurdistan Institute for Innovation (KII), which was attended by Mr. Masrour Barzani, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region and a number of local and foreign officials and dignitaries.
The President delivered the following speech at the launching ceremony:
Welcome everyone.
First of all, Mr. Prime Minister congratulated the anniversary of the founding of Sulaymaniyah city. Since I am fifty percent from Sulaymaniyah, I thank him and congratulate the people of Sulaymaniyah and the whole of Kurdistan. I wish them success. Of course, the existing problems will be resolved through dialogue and understanding. We must make this our culture in this country and continue to do so. Good luck.
Also, I stand with Mr. Prime Minister regarding the drone and missile attacks this morning on the city of Koya and the bordering areas. The Kurdistan Region wants to reiterate that it seeks to be a factor of stability in the region and aspires to have good relations with all its neighbors. And in that context, it seeks to have good relations also with Iran.
We have done what we could so far and we will continue to do so in this regard. The Kurdistan Region should not become a threat to the neighboring countries. However, let me say that we see no justification for these missiles and drone attacks on Kurdistan, which must be stopped.
We call on Baghdad not to be silent and to put an end to these violations of Iraqi sovereignty
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am very pleased to participate in the launch of the Kurdistan Innovation Institute, which is an important and necessary institution for the Kurdistan Region.
The joint cooperation and support of the government, private sector and universities in such an institution is necessary and important for the success of the institution's mission to highlight innovation and creativity. Kurdistan youth in particular and anyone with new and innovative ideas in any field, can now turn to this institution and rely on its support.
I am sure that there are many young people in Kurdistan in all fields who have new and serious ideas, dreams and passion for creativity and innovation. If there are opportunities and support, Kurdistan's youth can innovate in many fields of science, technology, medicine and other fields.
Many of us may have heard, seen, or read in the media that a young person, a student, a professional, someone here and there, has an idea or an invention and worked on it through their own efforts and expenses. But their efforts seldom reached a final stage, because unfortunately they didn't have sufficient support; and because there were no doors to knock on to receive support and prove their talents.
The absence of such an institution may have disheartened many young and innovative people in this country. They may have worked so hard in many different areas but failed to achieve any positive results and in the end they might have given up. Unfortunately, this is a sad fact!
But now young people and people with innovative ideas can see the establishment of the Kurdistan Innovation Institute as good news that they can turn to in the future. They can come and prove their talents, their ideas and innovations through this institution; find financial support for their ideas and innovations; and from just an idea, turn it into action and develop it; make it a product and a source of income and job opportunities for themselves and others.
The presence of Prime Minister Masrour Barzani in the chairmanship of the board of directors of this institution, the presence of prominent names in the private sector such as KAR Group, Qaywan Group, Kurdistan universities and academic centers alongside this institution and its management, make it possible for anyone with ideas and talents in any field to prove, develop and invest without hesitation, with confidence and certainty.
I know how seriously Mr. Prime Minister has talked about this idea and worked seriously on it, and this has been one of the dreams he has always talked about with me and many others. Before this ceremony, he repeatedly emphasized to me that the ceremony is very important to him and I should participate in it. I am very pleased that this opportunity has come today and it is really a very important ceremony. I congratulate Mr. Prime Minister and the board which manage this institution. I wish them success.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Kurdistan's youth and innovators are as good as their peers in other countries. They have great abilities, talents, will and dreams. I am sure that if there is the necessary support and assistance available, if there is follow-up, encouragement and appreciation for their ideas and innovations, young people can prove themselves like their peers in other countries.
They can leave their mark, create and discover in many areas. Therefore, it is the duty of the government and the relevant parties to provide all support and assistance to the owners of ideas and the innovators.
I hope that the establishment of the Kurdistan Innovation Institute will be the first step in a continuous process of support and cooperation, opening up more and wider opportunities for talents in any field. It will lead to scientific discovery in the name of youth. Kurdistan's inventors should be registered at home and abroad.
This institution should be an incentive for Kurdistan's youth to work harder, do research, follow up and think. Take this opportunity to present creative ideas, maps and plans, hold on to them and don't give up; to make it a reality and a pride for yourselves, your families and your country.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
While globalization and rapid technological advances have widened the range of opportunities, the existence of such an institution in Kurdistan will bring the opportunities for the country's innovators much closer, making their dreams come true.
Today's world is such that for example, if someone has an idea or an invention anywhere in Kurdistan, he or she can put a map of their invention and draw the parts on their computer at home, send it to places like China to make the pieces and have the manufactured products sent back to him.
So if there is a special institution in this field, how much better, more orderly and safer will the work be? Such an institution can facilitate and support the process to reach a final, smooth and successful completion at all stages, with legal and scientific registration, licensing, (protected rights) and (legal rights).
Therefore, I would like to reiterate that the idea of establishing the Kurdistan Innovation Institute and the purpose behind the establishment is commendable and respectful. I would like to warmly congratulate all those who have worked to make this institution a reality. I hope it will become a center of talent in a peaceful and stable future for the talents of Kurdistan at home and abroad.
I congratulate the youth and innovators of Kurdistan that now there is a center based on the support and cooperation of the government - private sector - university, which will be their laboratory to go to with their ideas and innovations.
I wish the Kurdistan Innovation Institute and its managers success. I congratulate them.
Thank you all; I wish you a good day.