Erbil, Kurdistan Region, April 4, 2023
Kurdistan Region President and the Commander-in-Chief of the Peshmerga Forces, Nechirvan Barzani, and Major General Matthew McFarlane, the General Commander of the coalition forces in Iraq and Syria, along with a number of ministers, senior military officials, members of parliament and officials of the Kurdistan Regional Government attended the inauguration ceremony of the 1st and 2nd Infantry divisions of the Peshmerga, which were unified within the framework of the reform process of the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs.
The following is a readout of the speech delivered by the President at the ceremony.
Dear Guests,
Our brave Peshmergas,
Good day to you all,
I welcome you to the announcement ceremony of an important step towards the unification and reorganization process of the Peshmerga. I warmly welcome General Matthew McFarlane, the General Commander of the coalition forces in Iraq and Syria, who is here with us today. I welcome the Council Generals in the Kurdistan Region. Welcome all.
We are happy to announce here today the creation of the 1st and 2nd divisions of the Peshmerga of Kurdistan. Congratulations and appreciations to the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs and all the brave Peshmerga commanders.
Each of these two divisions consists of 4 brigades of 1200 Peshmergas, including the joint brigades and the brigades of the 70th and 80th Units, whose process of joining the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs has started. We expect all procedures to be completed soon.
Last year at the graduation ceremony of Zakho Military College, there was only one Christian officer. I requested the efficiency and participation of all communities of Kurdistan in the Peshmerga forces be made easier. Today I found out that there are a number of Christian, Arab, and Yezidi Peshmergas among these forces, which is welcome, but it is still not enough. We have to try and make things even easier so that people from all communities participate in the Kurdistan Peshmerga forces. Once again, we reiterate that the Peshmerga, as always, is the force of all of Kurdistan, with all its peoples and religions.
Therefore, we do our best so that the Peshmerga and its military power are strengthened in all aspects, and so that all their requirements are fulfilled for the best training and practice. From the educational and principles aspect, with a patriotic and modern military heart, they must be put together as a national force.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The announcement of these two joint divisions is part of the process of unifying and reorganizing Peshmerga in a modern structure. This is one of the objectives of the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region and is a significant part of the process of reformation in the Kurdistan Regional Government.
In the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region, we continue to try to solve the political conflicts and issues. It is a pleasure to know that regardless of the political conflicts, the process of unification and reorganization of the Peshmerga has not stopped. We have stepped forward but indeed, we expect more and we continue to work further.
So far, both Support Forces 1 and 2, and 20 brigades of the Units 70 and 80, have completely joined the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs. Two joint brigades with the Iraqi Army have been made for the Disputed Territories and the required budgets have been allocated to them by the Iraqi federal budget law. After their approval, they will also begin to work.
What is a very positive matter is that there is a great awareness among the Peshmergas, officers and commanders for the necessity of the unification of the Peshmerga. They do not want the process of unification and reorganization to stop, because they do not want to be labelled any party political names. They want to be the Peshmerga of Kurdistan, not a political party, and this is the true belief of the Peshmerga.
Since day one, the Peshmerga was created to protect Kurdistan and achieve freedom. The Peshmerga ideology consisted of Kurdistan and freedom. The belief of the Peshmerga was the protection of Kurdistan and the achievement of freedom for the people of Kurdistan.
Our brave Peshmergas,
My fellow citizens,
All the people of Kurdistan and the allies have great support for the unification and reorganization process of the Peshmerga, which is very important. Last year, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Peshmerga and the US Department of Defense of this region was renewed for another 4 years. Also, the continuous support of the US in the past has been very important, and is very necessary in the future as well.
With much appreciation and thankfulness, U.S. Defense Secretary Mr. Lloyd Austin, during his visit last month to Baghdad and Erbil, clearly stated the intention and decision of the US to continue supporting the Peshmerga as a senior partner of the allies in confronting ISIS. Also, the U.S. Department of Defense is helping the process of unification and reorganization of the Peshmerga.
We thank the support of the US and the international coalition against ISIS for their continuous support to the Peshmerga. We tell them, “Terrorism is still a serious threat, that is why the Peshmerga still needs your support to completely eliminate ISIS. Our mission with the international coalition against ISIS has not ended yet and we still have mutual work together.”
We also thank our ally countries for their patience and continuous support for the process of unification and reorganization of the Peshmerga. The support of all those countries is a matter of gratitude and appreciation for the people of Kurdistan.
This international support is very important for the Peshmerga and the Kurdistan Region, which has been gained with the bravery and heroism of the Peshmerga. The Peshmerga gained this support through bravery, stopping the brutal and barbaric attacks of ISIS, and destroying the ISIS myth.
Peshmerga, with the help of allies and the participation of the Iraqi Army and the Popular Mobilization Forces, stopped ISIS which was a great threat to the modern and free life in the region and all over the world. Peshmerga, with their heroism, proved that they deserve the love and support of all nations.
Dear attendees,
This step today is a sign that there is a great determination to continue the reforming, unifying, and reorganizing of the Peshmerga. This is a very fair request and right of the people of Kurdistan which must be implemented.
We must make the Peshmerga a unified national force so that we can establish institutional authority and strengthen the democratic process in the Kurdistan Region, to protect the freedom and security and stability in the Kurdistan Region, to give full assurance to our citizens, and for the continuation of international support for the Peshmerga.
The word Peshmerga is the most reassuring names for the people of Kurdistan in terms of connotations and meaning. The word is full of beauty and greatness. Our modern history and our achievements are products of Peshmerga. At every stage, Peshmerga, even if in several different barricades, had a common goal and that is the liberation of Kurdistan and the freedom of the people of Kurdistan.
Peshmerga, even if they were in different administrative components, have always had the same goal and struggle. Similarly, as in the fight against ISIS, the Peshmerga proved this. Establishing and unifying them is the best way to pay respect to the reputation and heroism of the Peshmerga and should no longer be postponed. The political cover should be taken off Peshmerga completely so that their true identity are revealed, and that is the national identity they hold.
The unification and development of the Peshmerga have many benefits for Iraq as a whole. In the Iraqi liberation process, this was fully revealed. During the war against ISIS, once again, this truth was shown, especially when the Peshmerga protected Kirkuk and most of Diyala and Salahaddin from ISIS attacks and destructions. They were also a leading partner in the rescue of Mosul.
Iraq’s sovereignty is mutual and the Peshmerga can be a leading participant in its protection because it is a part of Iraq’s defense system. That is why Iraq should do its part in supporting and giving attention to Peshmerga’s military strength and providing their requirements.
Dear guests,
Followed by the reactions to the decision of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris regarding the Kurdistan Region’s oil, we think this decision has provided a good opportunity for Baghdad and Erbil to find a permanent solution to the oil problem. The decision has proven the constitutional right of the Kurdistan Region in the oil matter. That is why, we can now all reach a better solution in which both sides are winners.
After the approval of the constitution, we continuously asked for the passing of the oil and gas law, because only this law can properly regulate Article 112 of the constitution. And now we ask that the federalism that is enshrined in the Iraqi constitution, be included in the laws of Iraqi ministries and institutions so that the governing system of the country is that of federalism in practice.
We are a major part of the current Iraqi government. According to the coalition agreement of the state’s management for the establishment of a federal government, we completely support the Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Shia Sudani. In the conversations between us, they have shown a lot of realism and will for finding solutions to the issues. His approach to the problems has garnered the support of the Kurdistan Region.
With Mr. Masrour Barzani, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, they have a good understanding. There is a good communication between delegations to solve the problems. Also, the ministers of the Kurdistan Region are more active and efficient in the federal government and have been able to have very good discussions about the oil issue.
Now the discussions are on the right path towards solutions to the oil problems. We think the best solution is an internal Iraqi solution. I am optimistic about reaching an agreement. Solving this issue will open doors to solving many other problems, which is in the interest of the country and all its components.
We hope that in this holy month of Ramadan, all parties search for solutions to all the problems with pure hearts and good intentions. We are ready for all the support and agreement on the basis of the constitution. Solving the oil problem and accepting the budget will be very good news for all components of Iraq.
Again, I congratulate the establishment of both 1st and 2nd infantry divisions to all Peshmergas and the people of Kurdistan. We hope all the Peshmergas of Kurdistan are unified.
I thank you for your participation.
Thank you. I wish you all a good day.

Kurdistan Region President and the Commander-in-Chief of the Peshmerga Forces, Nechirvan Barzani, and Major General Matthew McFarlane, the General Commander of the coalition forces in Iraq and Syria, along with a number of ministers, senior military officials, members of parliament and officials of the Kurdistan Regional Government attended the inauguration ceremony of the 1st and 2nd Infantry divisions of the Peshmerga, which were unified within the framework of the reform process of the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs.
The following is a readout of the speech delivered by the President at the ceremony.
Dear Guests,
Our brave Peshmergas,
Good day to you all,
I welcome you to the announcement ceremony of an important step towards the unification and reorganization process of the Peshmerga. I warmly welcome General Matthew McFarlane, the General Commander of the coalition forces in Iraq and Syria, who is here with us today. I welcome the Council Generals in the Kurdistan Region. Welcome all.
We are happy to announce here today the creation of the 1st and 2nd divisions of the Peshmerga of Kurdistan. Congratulations and appreciations to the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs and all the brave Peshmerga commanders.
Each of these two divisions consists of 4 brigades of 1200 Peshmergas, including the joint brigades and the brigades of the 70th and 80th Units, whose process of joining the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs has started. We expect all procedures to be completed soon.
Last year at the graduation ceremony of Zakho Military College, there was only one Christian officer. I requested the efficiency and participation of all communities of Kurdistan in the Peshmerga forces be made easier. Today I found out that there are a number of Christian, Arab, and Yezidi Peshmergas among these forces, which is welcome, but it is still not enough. We have to try and make things even easier so that people from all communities participate in the Kurdistan Peshmerga forces. Once again, we reiterate that the Peshmerga, as always, is the force of all of Kurdistan, with all its peoples and religions.
Therefore, we do our best so that the Peshmerga and its military power are strengthened in all aspects, and so that all their requirements are fulfilled for the best training and practice. From the educational and principles aspect, with a patriotic and modern military heart, they must be put together as a national force.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The announcement of these two joint divisions is part of the process of unifying and reorganizing Peshmerga in a modern structure. This is one of the objectives of the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region and is a significant part of the process of reformation in the Kurdistan Regional Government.
In the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region, we continue to try to solve the political conflicts and issues. It is a pleasure to know that regardless of the political conflicts, the process of unification and reorganization of the Peshmerga has not stopped. We have stepped forward but indeed, we expect more and we continue to work further.
So far, both Support Forces 1 and 2, and 20 brigades of the Units 70 and 80, have completely joined the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs. Two joint brigades with the Iraqi Army have been made for the Disputed Territories and the required budgets have been allocated to them by the Iraqi federal budget law. After their approval, they will also begin to work.
What is a very positive matter is that there is a great awareness among the Peshmergas, officers and commanders for the necessity of the unification of the Peshmerga. They do not want the process of unification and reorganization to stop, because they do not want to be labelled any party political names. They want to be the Peshmerga of Kurdistan, not a political party, and this is the true belief of the Peshmerga.
Since day one, the Peshmerga was created to protect Kurdistan and achieve freedom. The Peshmerga ideology consisted of Kurdistan and freedom. The belief of the Peshmerga was the protection of Kurdistan and the achievement of freedom for the people of Kurdistan.
Our brave Peshmergas,
My fellow citizens,
All the people of Kurdistan and the allies have great support for the unification and reorganization process of the Peshmerga, which is very important. Last year, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Peshmerga and the US Department of Defense of this region was renewed for another 4 years. Also, the continuous support of the US in the past has been very important, and is very necessary in the future as well.
With much appreciation and thankfulness, U.S. Defense Secretary Mr. Lloyd Austin, during his visit last month to Baghdad and Erbil, clearly stated the intention and decision of the US to continue supporting the Peshmerga as a senior partner of the allies in confronting ISIS. Also, the U.S. Department of Defense is helping the process of unification and reorganization of the Peshmerga.
We thank the support of the US and the international coalition against ISIS for their continuous support to the Peshmerga. We tell them, “Terrorism is still a serious threat, that is why the Peshmerga still needs your support to completely eliminate ISIS. Our mission with the international coalition against ISIS has not ended yet and we still have mutual work together.”
We also thank our ally countries for their patience and continuous support for the process of unification and reorganization of the Peshmerga. The support of all those countries is a matter of gratitude and appreciation for the people of Kurdistan.
This international support is very important for the Peshmerga and the Kurdistan Region, which has been gained with the bravery and heroism of the Peshmerga. The Peshmerga gained this support through bravery, stopping the brutal and barbaric attacks of ISIS, and destroying the ISIS myth.
Peshmerga, with the help of allies and the participation of the Iraqi Army and the Popular Mobilization Forces, stopped ISIS which was a great threat to the modern and free life in the region and all over the world. Peshmerga, with their heroism, proved that they deserve the love and support of all nations.
Dear attendees,
This step today is a sign that there is a great determination to continue the reforming, unifying, and reorganizing of the Peshmerga. This is a very fair request and right of the people of Kurdistan which must be implemented.
We must make the Peshmerga a unified national force so that we can establish institutional authority and strengthen the democratic process in the Kurdistan Region, to protect the freedom and security and stability in the Kurdistan Region, to give full assurance to our citizens, and for the continuation of international support for the Peshmerga.
The word Peshmerga is the most reassuring names for the people of Kurdistan in terms of connotations and meaning. The word is full of beauty and greatness. Our modern history and our achievements are products of Peshmerga. At every stage, Peshmerga, even if in several different barricades, had a common goal and that is the liberation of Kurdistan and the freedom of the people of Kurdistan.
Peshmerga, even if they were in different administrative components, have always had the same goal and struggle. Similarly, as in the fight against ISIS, the Peshmerga proved this. Establishing and unifying them is the best way to pay respect to the reputation and heroism of the Peshmerga and should no longer be postponed. The political cover should be taken off Peshmerga completely so that their true identity are revealed, and that is the national identity they hold.
The unification and development of the Peshmerga have many benefits for Iraq as a whole. In the Iraqi liberation process, this was fully revealed. During the war against ISIS, once again, this truth was shown, especially when the Peshmerga protected Kirkuk and most of Diyala and Salahaddin from ISIS attacks and destructions. They were also a leading partner in the rescue of Mosul.
Iraq’s sovereignty is mutual and the Peshmerga can be a leading participant in its protection because it is a part of Iraq’s defense system. That is why Iraq should do its part in supporting and giving attention to Peshmerga’s military strength and providing their requirements.
Dear guests,
Followed by the reactions to the decision of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris regarding the Kurdistan Region’s oil, we think this decision has provided a good opportunity for Baghdad and Erbil to find a permanent solution to the oil problem. The decision has proven the constitutional right of the Kurdistan Region in the oil matter. That is why, we can now all reach a better solution in which both sides are winners.
After the approval of the constitution, we continuously asked for the passing of the oil and gas law, because only this law can properly regulate Article 112 of the constitution. And now we ask that the federalism that is enshrined in the Iraqi constitution, be included in the laws of Iraqi ministries and institutions so that the governing system of the country is that of federalism in practice.
We are a major part of the current Iraqi government. According to the coalition agreement of the state’s management for the establishment of a federal government, we completely support the Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Shia Sudani. In the conversations between us, they have shown a lot of realism and will for finding solutions to the issues. His approach to the problems has garnered the support of the Kurdistan Region.
With Mr. Masrour Barzani, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, they have a good understanding. There is a good communication between delegations to solve the problems. Also, the ministers of the Kurdistan Region are more active and efficient in the federal government and have been able to have very good discussions about the oil issue.
Now the discussions are on the right path towards solutions to the oil problems. We think the best solution is an internal Iraqi solution. I am optimistic about reaching an agreement. Solving this issue will open doors to solving many other problems, which is in the interest of the country and all its components.
We hope that in this holy month of Ramadan, all parties search for solutions to all the problems with pure hearts and good intentions. We are ready for all the support and agreement on the basis of the constitution. Solving the oil problem and accepting the budget will be very good news for all components of Iraq.
Again, I congratulate the establishment of both 1st and 2nd infantry divisions to all Peshmergas and the people of Kurdistan. We hope all the Peshmergas of Kurdistan are unified.
I thank you for your participation.
Thank you. I wish you all a good day.