Erbil, Kurdistan Region, 18 July 2019 - President of the Kurdistan Region Nechirvan Barzani received a letter from the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs of the French Republic Jean-Yves Le Drian. In the letter, Minister Le Drian praised President Barzani’s role as the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) during his tenure in the past and stated that he looks forward with confidence to witness his role as the President.
Below is the text of the letter:
Dear Mr. President,
After I was honoured to receive you in Paris on June 10, 2019, I wanted to warmly congratulate you once more on your election as the President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and I wish you all the success in carrying out your significant duties. Also, I would like to express my appreciation for the constructive discussion we had during your visit to France.
I appreciate your role as a leader in the past few years, especially during the crises that emerged after the independence referendum. Our joint efforts lead to the easing of tensions that were threatening the stability of Iraq. Also, I would like to applaud your decisive role, during the past few months, in improving relations between Iraqi and Kurdistani authorities.
While your experience is enriched by 10 years as Prime Minister of the KRG you can deservedly adopt policies that include improving relations between Baghdad and Erbil, protecting the security of your region and Iraq in general against any possibilities of the Jihadist terrorists’ return, and implementing reforms for providing better living standards for the people of the Kurdistan Region.
France stood with you during peace times and will be with you during war times. Faithful to the strong ties that bind us together, as it was made stronger during the fight against Da’esh, France will support the ambitions of Kurdistanis as part of a united, democratic and federal Iraq. You can rely on our determination to strengthen our cooperation with the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in all fields.
Please accept, Mr. President, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Jean-Yves Le Drian.
Below is the text of the letter:
Dear Mr. President,
After I was honoured to receive you in Paris on June 10, 2019, I wanted to warmly congratulate you once more on your election as the President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and I wish you all the success in carrying out your significant duties. Also, I would like to express my appreciation for the constructive discussion we had during your visit to France.
I appreciate your role as a leader in the past few years, especially during the crises that emerged after the independence referendum. Our joint efforts lead to the easing of tensions that were threatening the stability of Iraq. Also, I would like to applaud your decisive role, during the past few months, in improving relations between Iraqi and Kurdistani authorities.
While your experience is enriched by 10 years as Prime Minister of the KRG you can deservedly adopt policies that include improving relations between Baghdad and Erbil, protecting the security of your region and Iraq in general against any possibilities of the Jihadist terrorists’ return, and implementing reforms for providing better living standards for the people of the Kurdistan Region.
France stood with you during peace times and will be with you during war times. Faithful to the strong ties that bind us together, as it was made stronger during the fight against Da’esh, France will support the ambitions of Kurdistanis as part of a united, democratic and federal Iraq. You can rely on our determination to strengthen our cooperation with the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in all fields.
Please accept, Mr. President, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Jean-Yves Le Drian.