Erbil, Kurdistan Region, May 26, 2023 We are deeply concerned about the changes introduced to those passages of the Iraqi budget draft that relate to the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan Region, and we categorically reject them. These changes create an obstacle to the....

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, May 14, 2023 We welcome the cabinet meeting of the Kurdistan Regional Government today with the participation of the cabinet ministers of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan. We hope this will be a start and a step to resolve other internal....

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, April 24, 2023 On the 49th anniversary of the bombing of the University of Sulaimani and the city of Qaladiza, we commemorate the martyrs and the victims of this heinous crime of the former Iraqi regime. We pay tribute to the....

Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani issued a statement on the 35th anniversary of the genocidal campaign of the 1988, known as the Anfal, in which more than 182,000 people were systematically killed by the former Iraqi Ba’ath regime. Below is the statement: Today, on....

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, March 16, 2023 On the 35th anniversary of the chemical attack on Halabja, we salute the memory of the fallen heroes and pay tribute to their families and loved ones. The chemical attack on Halabja showed the utter cruelty of the perpetrators....

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, January 25, 2023 The decision of the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court, which was issued today and ruled that the payment of financial entitlements and salaries of Kurdistan Region employees by the Iraqi Federal Government in the years 2021 and 2022 is....