Presidency of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Kurdistan Region President’s statement on the 124th anniversary of Kurdish Journalism Day

Courtesy Statements
Erbil, Kurdistan Region, April 22, 2022

As we honor the 124th anniversary of the publication of the first Kurdish newspaper, “Kurdistan”, by the renowned literary figure, Miqdad Medhat Baderkhan, I offer my warmest congratulations to all journalists in Kurdistan on the occasion of the Kurdish Journalism Day and the 24the anniversary of the founding of Kurdistan Journalists’ Syndicate. I wish them all success.

On this day, we pay tribute to all journalists who contributed to the mission of journalism in Kurdistan. We salute and recognize their relentless efforts and professionalism, and remember all the journalists who sacrificed their lives in pursuit of truth and a free press in the country.

On this occasion, we reaffirm our unyielding commitment to supporting democracy, liberties, free media and freedom of expression, human rights and the rule of law. These values are the cornerstones of any free and advanced society, for which the people of Kurdistan have fought and made sacrifices.

We support the importance of journalism and the mission of journalists who conform to their professional and ethical standards and responsibilities in pursuit of truth, always promoting the highest interests of the country, always supporting the institutions of the nation, and correcting the errors and improving the democratic experiment of the Kurdistan Region.

Nechirvan Barzani
The President of the Kurdistan Region