Erbil, Kurdistan Region, June 20, 2021
Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani attended the 2021 graduation ceremony of the American University in Dohuk on Sunday. Kurdistan Region Prime Minister, Mr. Masrour Barzani, Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Qubad Talabani, the US Ambassador to Iraq, Mr. Matthew Tueller, and a great number of academics, professors, officials and families of the graduates took part in the event.
The President delivered the following commencement speech at the graduation ceremony:
Dear attendees,
Dear graduates and students,
Friends and families of students and teachers,
Good evening and welcome
I am very pleased to be here with you on this important and great day, following a difficult year for all of us. Life is like this, full of happy and unhappy events. But what is important is that we look to the future with optimism and hope. Many of our beloved ones lost their life to the corona pandemic which brought about a difficult situation around the world, but we are all here again today to celebrate the success of another line of graduates in Kurdistan.
I warmly congratulate the graduates and their families, the esteemed teachers and the staff of the American University. This victory is the result of collective efforts and cooperation. Everyone deserves praise and appreciation. This graduation proves the success of this University’s vision and work.
I congratulate the Prime Minister, Mr. Masrour Barzani, the Head of the University Board, Dr. Randall Rhodes, the President of the University and Ms. Ranya Majid, the President of the University Council, for this years’ graduation of students and wish them success.
Dear Students,
I wanted to start my speech by saying; well done. But even more than that, I want to say that you have done great in continuing your studies. Your efforts have brought you success in your studies. You have been rewarded today by the university for your efforts in the past years. But your work is not completed yet, as you will apply what you have learned during these years in real life to solve the problems that you will face now and in the future.
I want to say that this is not enough. From this day forward, make use of what you have learned from the university to identify the problems and difficulties of yourselves, your fellow citizens and your country. Try to search and learn how you can find solutions to the challenges that exist in all areas, whether in industry, economics, health, society, agriculture, finances, communications, and in finding solutions to challenges facing the environment and other areas which all need the expertise that you have acquired here.
Make this your new profession, with your all efforts. Tell the generation before you that you use your acquired skills to find solutions for different problems.
Each of us uses their skills in their special area of expertise in a way that will bring development and well being for ourselves, our families and our people. When I was your age, immense problems, wars, the Anfal and genocide were the problems of my generation. When my father was your age, the revolution that protected Kurdistan was the main struggle of his generation.
When my grandfather was at your age, his generation were struggling to establish new states in the Middle East following the fall of the Ottoman Empire. His generation paid attention to the cultural and political renewal of their era. Today, you and us, together, live in freedom because of their sacrifices and struggles and set plans for ourselves and our nations’ future.
I want to say that this is not enough. Today, we promise not to forget the sacrifices and responsibilities of our generation and the future ones, as we remember our near and distant past. Your struggle and efforts will take us to new hights in life to reconstruct our communities and to pave the way for a modern and inclusive society based on dialogue and mutual respect, to consolidate the culture of coexistence, consensus and tolerance in Kurdistan.
I urge you to make use of your knowledge and skills in the service of your country. You can find solutions and become the keys to our modern and ancient problems and challenges.
Make collective efforts, open your eyes, identify the challenges and make collective efforts, inside and outside the university, to find solutions for them. Think great and know no limits in finding solutions.
Today, 118 students among you receive their certificates. If any of you cooperate with another four people to find solutions in any area, it means that 550 people work together and help one another to find jobs. This may lead to the establishment of new works and businesses and creat more job opportunities. These collective efforts should become the way you look at future.
For instance, one of you pays a visit to a hospital or any other institution and sees shortcomings. Instead of complaining about the shortages, find out what the key issues are behind the shortcomings and ask yourself how this issue can be solved. Can I solve this? Who can help me in find solutions? Are there anyone among my past and present fellow students who have tried to solve such problems?
The technology in your hands, in your pockets and on your tables have transcended all limits. Use it more wisely. Make all your efforts. Don’t be shy, ask other people.
Experiment. Go all the way. You will find a solution. If not today, then tomorrow. At time of despair, think of Thomas Edison. He experimented with 6000 different items to finally invent light and enlighten the world. Edison used to say that he never failed. That he tried 10000 different ways that did not succeed. It was Edison who said that greatness is one percent inspiration, and 99 percent experiment and hard work.
Don’t give up. Exert efforts. Start from the beginning again. Any person or people who do not give up, will achieve to their goals. Peacefulness, making efforts and continuous work give life pleasure. If you help someone and bring joy to their lives, you will also take the struggles of the past generations to a new level and a brighter future will await you. You will enhance the higher education then, and become the inspiration for the coming generations.
Dear attendees,
Education is the foundation of any society. Great societies, nations and countries are those that have high standards of education and training. We in the Kurdistan Region need such great schooling and education more than anything else.
We continue to support higher education and congratulate the government, relevant institutions, and Prime Minister, Mr. Masrour Barzani, for their efforts and steps towards developing scientific research and studies.
We are happy to see that future leaders are being created in universities and play crucial roles in all areas. Those who come from this and other universities with great standards of education, will be the future leaders of the country.
We reiterate our commitment to developing a strong Kurdistan. It was this commitment that led to the establishment of this great university at the difficult periods when ISIS attacked the country.
I am happy that the university attaches equal importance to all areas of science, both human sciences and environmental studies and other sciences that are important for the present and future of Kurdistan. It is of great importance that the university, according to the needs of the job market and development of Kurdistan, educates the students.
Dear attendees,
I take this opportunity to also speak about Iraq and the Kurdistan Region both of which go through a period of crisis at the moment. But the existence of a roadmap and a firm will, will guarantee the solutions that will bring about peace and stability in all of the region.
By seeing the past mistakes, by abandoning the logic of the strong verses the weak, by resorting to the constitution and the principles that founded the new Iraq, the country can be revived. It is through this vision that the pending issues between Erbil and Baghdad can be resolved.
All of this calls for unity and consensus in Kurdistan and further cooperation and partnership to secure our achievements and constitutional rights. Even the PKK’s unjust incursion and actions inside Kurdistan Region must be responded wisely, having in mind the best interest of the country and warding off the dangers of war in Kurdistan.
We must tell PKK with one voice, to stop disrespecting the will of the people of the Kurdistan Region, its lawful institutions, as it must realize that the people of Kurdistan do not need wars. It must respect the sovereignty of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and its lawful institutions. It must not give pretexts for army rampages across the borders of the Kurdistan Region and must avoid creating misery for the people of the Kurdistan Region who already suffer from other misfortunes.
In no ways is it acceptable that the soil of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq are used to pose threats and launch attacks against neighboring countries, and disturbing peace and stability. Iraq’s federal governmnet is expected to fulfill its duties and responsibilities in maintaining peace and stability of the neighboring countries.
I congratulate the graduates once again and wish all of you success. I also welcome the United States Ambassador to Iraq who travelled from Baghdad to be with us today. I thank everyone for attending this ceremony.
Once again warm congratulations to the graduates who receive their diplomas today and wish them the best.
Good evening and thank you.
Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani attended the 2021 graduation ceremony of the American University in Dohuk on Sunday. Kurdistan Region Prime Minister, Mr. Masrour Barzani, Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Qubad Talabani, the US Ambassador to Iraq, Mr. Matthew Tueller, and a great number of academics, professors, officials and families of the graduates took part in the event.
The President delivered the following commencement speech at the graduation ceremony:
Dear attendees,
Dear graduates and students,
Friends and families of students and teachers,
Good evening and welcome
I am very pleased to be here with you on this important and great day, following a difficult year for all of us. Life is like this, full of happy and unhappy events. But what is important is that we look to the future with optimism and hope. Many of our beloved ones lost their life to the corona pandemic which brought about a difficult situation around the world, but we are all here again today to celebrate the success of another line of graduates in Kurdistan.
I warmly congratulate the graduates and their families, the esteemed teachers and the staff of the American University. This victory is the result of collective efforts and cooperation. Everyone deserves praise and appreciation. This graduation proves the success of this University’s vision and work.
I congratulate the Prime Minister, Mr. Masrour Barzani, the Head of the University Board, Dr. Randall Rhodes, the President of the University and Ms. Ranya Majid, the President of the University Council, for this years’ graduation of students and wish them success.
Dear Students,
I wanted to start my speech by saying; well done. But even more than that, I want to say that you have done great in continuing your studies. Your efforts have brought you success in your studies. You have been rewarded today by the university for your efforts in the past years. But your work is not completed yet, as you will apply what you have learned during these years in real life to solve the problems that you will face now and in the future.
I want to say that this is not enough. From this day forward, make use of what you have learned from the university to identify the problems and difficulties of yourselves, your fellow citizens and your country. Try to search and learn how you can find solutions to the challenges that exist in all areas, whether in industry, economics, health, society, agriculture, finances, communications, and in finding solutions to challenges facing the environment and other areas which all need the expertise that you have acquired here.
Make this your new profession, with your all efforts. Tell the generation before you that you use your acquired skills to find solutions for different problems.
Each of us uses their skills in their special area of expertise in a way that will bring development and well being for ourselves, our families and our people. When I was your age, immense problems, wars, the Anfal and genocide were the problems of my generation. When my father was your age, the revolution that protected Kurdistan was the main struggle of his generation.
When my grandfather was at your age, his generation were struggling to establish new states in the Middle East following the fall of the Ottoman Empire. His generation paid attention to the cultural and political renewal of their era. Today, you and us, together, live in freedom because of their sacrifices and struggles and set plans for ourselves and our nations’ future.
I want to say that this is not enough. Today, we promise not to forget the sacrifices and responsibilities of our generation and the future ones, as we remember our near and distant past. Your struggle and efforts will take us to new hights in life to reconstruct our communities and to pave the way for a modern and inclusive society based on dialogue and mutual respect, to consolidate the culture of coexistence, consensus and tolerance in Kurdistan.
I urge you to make use of your knowledge and skills in the service of your country. You can find solutions and become the keys to our modern and ancient problems and challenges.
Make collective efforts, open your eyes, identify the challenges and make collective efforts, inside and outside the university, to find solutions for them. Think great and know no limits in finding solutions.
Today, 118 students among you receive their certificates. If any of you cooperate with another four people to find solutions in any area, it means that 550 people work together and help one another to find jobs. This may lead to the establishment of new works and businesses and creat more job opportunities. These collective efforts should become the way you look at future.
For instance, one of you pays a visit to a hospital or any other institution and sees shortcomings. Instead of complaining about the shortages, find out what the key issues are behind the shortcomings and ask yourself how this issue can be solved. Can I solve this? Who can help me in find solutions? Are there anyone among my past and present fellow students who have tried to solve such problems?
The technology in your hands, in your pockets and on your tables have transcended all limits. Use it more wisely. Make all your efforts. Don’t be shy, ask other people.
Experiment. Go all the way. You will find a solution. If not today, then tomorrow. At time of despair, think of Thomas Edison. He experimented with 6000 different items to finally invent light and enlighten the world. Edison used to say that he never failed. That he tried 10000 different ways that did not succeed. It was Edison who said that greatness is one percent inspiration, and 99 percent experiment and hard work.
Don’t give up. Exert efforts. Start from the beginning again. Any person or people who do not give up, will achieve to their goals. Peacefulness, making efforts and continuous work give life pleasure. If you help someone and bring joy to their lives, you will also take the struggles of the past generations to a new level and a brighter future will await you. You will enhance the higher education then, and become the inspiration for the coming generations.
Dear attendees,
Education is the foundation of any society. Great societies, nations and countries are those that have high standards of education and training. We in the Kurdistan Region need such great schooling and education more than anything else.
We continue to support higher education and congratulate the government, relevant institutions, and Prime Minister, Mr. Masrour Barzani, for their efforts and steps towards developing scientific research and studies.
We are happy to see that future leaders are being created in universities and play crucial roles in all areas. Those who come from this and other universities with great standards of education, will be the future leaders of the country.
We reiterate our commitment to developing a strong Kurdistan. It was this commitment that led to the establishment of this great university at the difficult periods when ISIS attacked the country.
I am happy that the university attaches equal importance to all areas of science, both human sciences and environmental studies and other sciences that are important for the present and future of Kurdistan. It is of great importance that the university, according to the needs of the job market and development of Kurdistan, educates the students.
Dear attendees,
I take this opportunity to also speak about Iraq and the Kurdistan Region both of which go through a period of crisis at the moment. But the existence of a roadmap and a firm will, will guarantee the solutions that will bring about peace and stability in all of the region.
By seeing the past mistakes, by abandoning the logic of the strong verses the weak, by resorting to the constitution and the principles that founded the new Iraq, the country can be revived. It is through this vision that the pending issues between Erbil and Baghdad can be resolved.
All of this calls for unity and consensus in Kurdistan and further cooperation and partnership to secure our achievements and constitutional rights. Even the PKK’s unjust incursion and actions inside Kurdistan Region must be responded wisely, having in mind the best interest of the country and warding off the dangers of war in Kurdistan.
We must tell PKK with one voice, to stop disrespecting the will of the people of the Kurdistan Region, its lawful institutions, as it must realize that the people of Kurdistan do not need wars. It must respect the sovereignty of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and its lawful institutions. It must not give pretexts for army rampages across the borders of the Kurdistan Region and must avoid creating misery for the people of the Kurdistan Region who already suffer from other misfortunes.
In no ways is it acceptable that the soil of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq are used to pose threats and launch attacks against neighboring countries, and disturbing peace and stability. Iraq’s federal governmnet is expected to fulfill its duties and responsibilities in maintaining peace and stability of the neighboring countries.
I congratulate the graduates once again and wish all of you success. I also welcome the United States Ambassador to Iraq who travelled from Baghdad to be with us today. I thank everyone for attending this ceremony.
Once again warm congratulations to the graduates who receive their diplomas today and wish them the best.
Good evening and thank you.