Erbil, Kurdistan Region, September 14, 2024
During his visit to Duhok, President Nechirvan Barzani had the opportunity to attend a theatrical performance titled "Dastana Kurdistane (The Kurdistan Story)." The play focused on the historical journey of the Kurdish people's fight for freedom and their rights.
Over 200 artists and theater professionals participated in the production, which underwent a rehearsal process lasting one year and seven months before its debut. President Nechirvan barzani expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the directors, actors, and everyone involved in the production.
In his address, President Nechirvan Barzani highlighted the themes and significance of the exhibition, describing it as a remarkable artistic work that encapsulates the history and narrative of the struggle of the people of Kurdistan. The President hoped the college student audience would grasp the underlying message.
President Nechirvan Barzani also emphasized that the achievements of the Kurdistan Region today are not the result of mere chance, but the outcome of a long and arduous struggle, marked by the relentless hardships faced by previous generations. The President acknowledged the determination of the people of Kurdistan to resist and fight for their rights, a journey shaped by countless sacrifices and the loss of many lives.
President Nechirvan Barzani emphasized that the future of the nation lies in the hands of its youth. The President also highlighted the importance of artistic endeavors in showcasing the history and rightful aspirations of the people of Kurdistan to the world, reaffirming his full support for such initiative.