President Nechirvan Barzani on Wednesday morning took part in the conference of the Peace and Security in the Middle East that was held at the American University of Kurdistan in Duhok.
President Nechirvan Barzani delivered a speech about the political and security situation in Iraq and the region. While he presented his view on the events of the region, he described Baghdad as the strategic center for the Kurdistan Region. He said that it is the strategic interest of the Kurdistan Region to to transform the stability and the prosperity of the Kurdistan Region to Iraq and the region.
President Nechirvan Barzani insisted on the importance of dialogue and negotiation for a negotiated solution to the problems within the frame of the sovereignty of the Iraqi state, and that the constitutional rights and achievements of the Kurdistan Region to be protected.
President Nechirvan Barzani said that there is a need for world countries and the international community to help with spreading security and stability in Iraq and the Middle East, one that can help with ending wars and conflicts in the region.
His Excellency reiterated the continued efforts by the Kurdistan Region to remain a safe shelter for those fleeing wars. He also valued such hospitality by the Kurdistan Region.
The following is the full speech of President Nechirvan Barzani:
Ladies and gentlemen
Good morning
I welcome you all, and thank the American University of Kurdistan for holding this conference. They have organized a good event. I thank each and every individual who helped organize this event in Duhok. I welcome the distinguished guests who have travelled from abroad, from Europe, the United States and other places to the Kurdistan Region. Welcome! I welcome my dear brother Falih Alfayyadh who traveled from Baghdad this morning to take part in this event. I welcome all of you.
Peace and security is a very important issue in the region and the world. I wish the conference the very best.
The Middle East conflicts not only put the peace and the relations of its countries at a crisis point, but also have endangered the peace and interests of the super power countries.
What is happening in the region is the result of the old, post-World War I geo-political map, which left some political problems unresolved in the region, including the Kurdish question
The Kurdish question is a big problem, and resolving it is an essential part of peace in the region. The issue of some other components also started to surface after the war in this region. Despite these issues, instability in the Middle East is also caused by some recent events that have happened in the past few years and caused more damage.
Let me mention some of the events.
The collapse of the regional balance. Following the Arab Spring and the fall of the Iraqi regime, the role played by some states has weakened. States who wanted to become number one player in the region started to enter a race.
These resulted in the rise of proxy wars and regional rivalry. An environment started to come to existence that allowed international military interference. This environment fueled the wars and provided less opportunity for mediation. This is because the international forces became part of the wars instead of playing a mediator role, and therefore limited the peaceful mechanisms to a lasting solution.
Sectarian conflicts and the lack of a culture of coexistence and tolerance is another cause. This threat that exists because of the extremist views of sectarianism and a long-held culture of revenge, have also intentionally being used and encouraged with the end result of creating an environment to fuel wars and regional rivalry aimed at gaining power.
Terror is a main threat against the peace and security in the region and the world. The mechanisms designed to fight terrorism also create problems. Depending on a mainly military mechanism to uproot terorsim is a problem in itself, and it is one of the reasons that gives birth to more terror and extremism. The lack of a strategy based on economic, political, educational, social and cultural reforms to fight terroroism is a problem.
The weakness and the political and economic failures of many of the ruling systems in the region, the lack of or the failure of a development policy and the spread of social inequality have all resulted in the birth of hopelessness, frustration and anger, especially among the youth. This dangerous feeling has become a source of dissatisfaction and a permanent environment that gives birth to uprisings and insurgency, as well as the birth of extremism. The cost of the mistakes of such states against their own nations stands too heavy, and is a prime cause that fuels anger and dissatisfaction.
Even in those countries where a system that aims to deliver democracy is being implemented, a model is practiced that unfortunately drives people to put their back to democracy, ballot boxes and to entirely neglect the whole political process. In Iraq, for example, instead of the presence of political pluralism, there exists a range of decision making bodies. And instead of the rule of law and the constitution, the power is in the hands of political parties and armed groups. The result of which is what we are seeing now.
Ladies and gentlemen
The ISIS war enabled the creation of a powerful international coalition and to some extent set side some of many of the conflicts and regional rivalries. But a false understanding of the indicators and the immature belief that the ISIS war has ended resulted in the loss of the effectiveness of the international coalition and refuelled the problems. In fact the ISIS threat is not over, not only in terms of culture and beliefs, but also militarily. It is still a serious threat to the region and the world.
The main problem is that all sides want to end wars through military victories instead of seeking understanding and political negotiations. Take Syria and Yemen as examples. That is why the opportunities for negotiations are very weak
The continuation of the conflicts and wars, lack of peace, security and stability, the consumption of human and material resources of the nations to fuel the conflicts and wars, as well causing the current damages, they are also the biggest threats to the future. They pass the current conflicts, wars and issues to future generations. Let’s not forget that the region is facing another threat. It is the issue of drought, deforestation and disappearance of water sources. This will cause other crises as well.
Kurdistan is not an exception in the midst of the current volatile situation of Iraq and the region. It should take extra care and act carefully so that it avoids this unwanted complicated situation and enjoy comfort. That is why we have tried to and continue to have a strategy to address such issues. Our strategy is to transform stability and prosperity of the Kurdistan Region to Iraq and the region.
Ladies and gentlemen
We believe that the only way to solve the problems is to seek negotiation and follow political mechanisms. Those who fight and oppose one another should sit together to solve their problems. Denials and the use of force does not end the problem of any one nation, neither can it make people to forget their demands. Military and armed confrontations do not solve any problems. They eventually have to sit at the table to reach an understanding and a deal
Wars and acquiring arms have caused the loss of a great deal of wealth and budgets of the Middle East. That wealth coupled with the spirit of coexistence and tolerance would have made the Middle East one of the developed spots in the world. Even now, the only path for the nations and states of the region to secure a prosperous future and peace is seeking a negotiated deal.
The nations and the components in the region should not be put at a state of war. This will further deepen and complicate the problems. We in the Kurdistan Region have tried a lot and have paid a heavy price as we have sought to avoid becoming part of any of the wars. We have tried to become a safe shelter and even welcome those who flee the wars and crises. It is very important that all of us in the Kurdistan Region adhere to this strategy in a unanimous way. I would also like to state that we highly value and appreciate the current view that we have now in the Kurdistan Region in this regard.
The region, its nations, and components are tired of wars and conflicts.They can no longer afford more wars and conflicts. Bringing about understanding and a functioning political process in the region is of benefit to the world.
The ISIS war is not over and still needs the unity and cooperation of all of us. The defeat of this enemy should be our common objective as our long term strategy. It should continue to be the source of regional and international cooperation against terror.
The reform in the system, the mechanisms, the governance policies, economic and social policies in the region is a priority. We should seek a comprehensive, serious, realistics and modern strategy to reform and review these policies. The rulers in the region should head towards the implementation of policies that are practical, realistic, and responsive to the demands of their people.
Ladies and gentlemen
With regards to Iraq and its problems, unfortunately we had predicted such fallouts long time ago. When the constitution was sidelined, the first warning came from Kurdistan. We said then that if such a situation continues to exist and the constitution, the principles upon which the new Iraq were built were to be neglected, Iraq would head towards collapse. Now, we reiterate: what is happening now is the result of the accumulation of 15 years of political and economic mistakes as well as the sidelining of the constitution.
The solution is to have the right understanding of the problems, to have a proper and realistic understanding of such problems, to not belittle the dissatisfactions and have a clear understanding of the threats. We should not think that such problems will disappear with some minor solutions. To be able to understand the issues, the crises and the demands of the new generation of Iraq requires a new definition to the concepts of freedom and rights.
We visited Baghdad to convey this message and met with all sides. We offered the willingness of the Kurdistan Region to help with bringing back stability and security to Iraq. we believe that such stability is in the interests of the Kurduran nation and Iraq. Baghdad is the strategic center for the Kurdistan Region. We should keep and develop our constitutional rights within the frame of a sovereign Iraq.
The people and the components of Iraq deserve to live in a better, and more prosperous Iraq. The political bodies in Iraq should take the demands of the people into serious considerations and provide reliable responses. We visited Baghdad to do this, and encouraged all sides to find a serious, radical and realistic solution. A solution that can respond to powerful dissatisfaction and anger found among the Iraqi people. This is the responsibility of all of us and none of us can shy away from this responsibility.
The world and the international community should offer a helping hand so that security and stability prevail in the Middle East and for wars and conflicts to end. The past has proved that a Middle East plagued by wars and many crises creates headaches and security threats for the region and the world. That is why this is an international duty.
We as the Kurdistan Region, as always, are ready and prepared to do our share so that peace, stability and security prevail. And here, we reassure our Iraqi brothers and friends that we are ready to do whatever we can to enforce security and peace in Iraq, and that the Kurdistan Region is prepared and considers the problems in Iraq as our problems. We are ready to help Iraq exit the current situation.
Once again, we welcome all of you. Thanks to the American University of Kurdistan and those who organized this conference. Wish you the best and have a nice day.
Thank you very much.

President Nechirvan Barzani delivered a speech about the political and security situation in Iraq and the region. While he presented his view on the events of the region, he described Baghdad as the strategic center for the Kurdistan Region. He said that it is the strategic interest of the Kurdistan Region to to transform the stability and the prosperity of the Kurdistan Region to Iraq and the region.
President Nechirvan Barzani insisted on the importance of dialogue and negotiation for a negotiated solution to the problems within the frame of the sovereignty of the Iraqi state, and that the constitutional rights and achievements of the Kurdistan Region to be protected.
President Nechirvan Barzani said that there is a need for world countries and the international community to help with spreading security and stability in Iraq and the Middle East, one that can help with ending wars and conflicts in the region.
His Excellency reiterated the continued efforts by the Kurdistan Region to remain a safe shelter for those fleeing wars. He also valued such hospitality by the Kurdistan Region.
The following is the full speech of President Nechirvan Barzani:
Ladies and gentlemen
Good morning
I welcome you all, and thank the American University of Kurdistan for holding this conference. They have organized a good event. I thank each and every individual who helped organize this event in Duhok. I welcome the distinguished guests who have travelled from abroad, from Europe, the United States and other places to the Kurdistan Region. Welcome! I welcome my dear brother Falih Alfayyadh who traveled from Baghdad this morning to take part in this event. I welcome all of you.
Peace and security is a very important issue in the region and the world. I wish the conference the very best.
The Middle East conflicts not only put the peace and the relations of its countries at a crisis point, but also have endangered the peace and interests of the super power countries.
What is happening in the region is the result of the old, post-World War I geo-political map, which left some political problems unresolved in the region, including the Kurdish question
The Kurdish question is a big problem, and resolving it is an essential part of peace in the region. The issue of some other components also started to surface after the war in this region. Despite these issues, instability in the Middle East is also caused by some recent events that have happened in the past few years and caused more damage.
Let me mention some of the events.
The collapse of the regional balance. Following the Arab Spring and the fall of the Iraqi regime, the role played by some states has weakened. States who wanted to become number one player in the region started to enter a race.
These resulted in the rise of proxy wars and regional rivalry. An environment started to come to existence that allowed international military interference. This environment fueled the wars and provided less opportunity for mediation. This is because the international forces became part of the wars instead of playing a mediator role, and therefore limited the peaceful mechanisms to a lasting solution.
Sectarian conflicts and the lack of a culture of coexistence and tolerance is another cause. This threat that exists because of the extremist views of sectarianism and a long-held culture of revenge, have also intentionally being used and encouraged with the end result of creating an environment to fuel wars and regional rivalry aimed at gaining power.
Terror is a main threat against the peace and security in the region and the world. The mechanisms designed to fight terrorism also create problems. Depending on a mainly military mechanism to uproot terorsim is a problem in itself, and it is one of the reasons that gives birth to more terror and extremism. The lack of a strategy based on economic, political, educational, social and cultural reforms to fight terroroism is a problem.
The weakness and the political and economic failures of many of the ruling systems in the region, the lack of or the failure of a development policy and the spread of social inequality have all resulted in the birth of hopelessness, frustration and anger, especially among the youth. This dangerous feeling has become a source of dissatisfaction and a permanent environment that gives birth to uprisings and insurgency, as well as the birth of extremism. The cost of the mistakes of such states against their own nations stands too heavy, and is a prime cause that fuels anger and dissatisfaction.
Even in those countries where a system that aims to deliver democracy is being implemented, a model is practiced that unfortunately drives people to put their back to democracy, ballot boxes and to entirely neglect the whole political process. In Iraq, for example, instead of the presence of political pluralism, there exists a range of decision making bodies. And instead of the rule of law and the constitution, the power is in the hands of political parties and armed groups. The result of which is what we are seeing now.
Ladies and gentlemen
The ISIS war enabled the creation of a powerful international coalition and to some extent set side some of many of the conflicts and regional rivalries. But a false understanding of the indicators and the immature belief that the ISIS war has ended resulted in the loss of the effectiveness of the international coalition and refuelled the problems. In fact the ISIS threat is not over, not only in terms of culture and beliefs, but also militarily. It is still a serious threat to the region and the world.
The main problem is that all sides want to end wars through military victories instead of seeking understanding and political negotiations. Take Syria and Yemen as examples. That is why the opportunities for negotiations are very weak
The continuation of the conflicts and wars, lack of peace, security and stability, the consumption of human and material resources of the nations to fuel the conflicts and wars, as well causing the current damages, they are also the biggest threats to the future. They pass the current conflicts, wars and issues to future generations. Let’s not forget that the region is facing another threat. It is the issue of drought, deforestation and disappearance of water sources. This will cause other crises as well.
Kurdistan is not an exception in the midst of the current volatile situation of Iraq and the region. It should take extra care and act carefully so that it avoids this unwanted complicated situation and enjoy comfort. That is why we have tried to and continue to have a strategy to address such issues. Our strategy is to transform stability and prosperity of the Kurdistan Region to Iraq and the region.
Ladies and gentlemen
We believe that the only way to solve the problems is to seek negotiation and follow political mechanisms. Those who fight and oppose one another should sit together to solve their problems. Denials and the use of force does not end the problem of any one nation, neither can it make people to forget their demands. Military and armed confrontations do not solve any problems. They eventually have to sit at the table to reach an understanding and a deal
Wars and acquiring arms have caused the loss of a great deal of wealth and budgets of the Middle East. That wealth coupled with the spirit of coexistence and tolerance would have made the Middle East one of the developed spots in the world. Even now, the only path for the nations and states of the region to secure a prosperous future and peace is seeking a negotiated deal.
The nations and the components in the region should not be put at a state of war. This will further deepen and complicate the problems. We in the Kurdistan Region have tried a lot and have paid a heavy price as we have sought to avoid becoming part of any of the wars. We have tried to become a safe shelter and even welcome those who flee the wars and crises. It is very important that all of us in the Kurdistan Region adhere to this strategy in a unanimous way. I would also like to state that we highly value and appreciate the current view that we have now in the Kurdistan Region in this regard.
The region, its nations, and components are tired of wars and conflicts.They can no longer afford more wars and conflicts. Bringing about understanding and a functioning political process in the region is of benefit to the world.
The ISIS war is not over and still needs the unity and cooperation of all of us. The defeat of this enemy should be our common objective as our long term strategy. It should continue to be the source of regional and international cooperation against terror.
The reform in the system, the mechanisms, the governance policies, economic and social policies in the region is a priority. We should seek a comprehensive, serious, realistics and modern strategy to reform and review these policies. The rulers in the region should head towards the implementation of policies that are practical, realistic, and responsive to the demands of their people.
Ladies and gentlemen
With regards to Iraq and its problems, unfortunately we had predicted such fallouts long time ago. When the constitution was sidelined, the first warning came from Kurdistan. We said then that if such a situation continues to exist and the constitution, the principles upon which the new Iraq were built were to be neglected, Iraq would head towards collapse. Now, we reiterate: what is happening now is the result of the accumulation of 15 years of political and economic mistakes as well as the sidelining of the constitution.
The solution is to have the right understanding of the problems, to have a proper and realistic understanding of such problems, to not belittle the dissatisfactions and have a clear understanding of the threats. We should not think that such problems will disappear with some minor solutions. To be able to understand the issues, the crises and the demands of the new generation of Iraq requires a new definition to the concepts of freedom and rights.
We visited Baghdad to convey this message and met with all sides. We offered the willingness of the Kurdistan Region to help with bringing back stability and security to Iraq. we believe that such stability is in the interests of the Kurduran nation and Iraq. Baghdad is the strategic center for the Kurdistan Region. We should keep and develop our constitutional rights within the frame of a sovereign Iraq.
The people and the components of Iraq deserve to live in a better, and more prosperous Iraq. The political bodies in Iraq should take the demands of the people into serious considerations and provide reliable responses. We visited Baghdad to do this, and encouraged all sides to find a serious, radical and realistic solution. A solution that can respond to powerful dissatisfaction and anger found among the Iraqi people. This is the responsibility of all of us and none of us can shy away from this responsibility.
The world and the international community should offer a helping hand so that security and stability prevail in the Middle East and for wars and conflicts to end. The past has proved that a Middle East plagued by wars and many crises creates headaches and security threats for the region and the world. That is why this is an international duty.
We as the Kurdistan Region, as always, are ready and prepared to do our share so that peace, stability and security prevail. And here, we reassure our Iraqi brothers and friends that we are ready to do whatever we can to enforce security and peace in Iraq, and that the Kurdistan Region is prepared and considers the problems in Iraq as our problems. We are ready to help Iraq exit the current situation.
Once again, we welcome all of you. Thanks to the American University of Kurdistan and those who organized this conference. Wish you the best and have a nice day.
Thank you very much.